In the Bible God tells us of sheep and goats, wheat and tares, good fish and bad fish, light and darkness, believers and unbelievers, truth and error. At the present time these are mixed together and the human eye finds it difficult to distinguish between them.
How will God separate the wheat from the tares?
In the world are many who profess to be Christians. Others are active in their Christian works but are not fully loyal to God. Still others are Christians from habit or attend church three times in their lives, at birth, marriage and death. Others attend for the Harvest Festival, the Christmas Carol Concert or for the Easter Day services. Others have no time now for religion but when the final difficult times come will give lip-service to a religious act to save their reputations or their livelihood or their families. All these will be the tares. All will be forced to take part in an act of worship on pain of death. (Revelation 13.)
On the other hand God will say at the end of all things, ‘Here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.’ This is His banner of truth and this group of people will have demonstrated their loyalty to God fully and can be trusted by Him to remain loyal. They will have been tried in the fire of affliction and have come forth as pure gold. How will we be able to see who these people are? It is by their faithfulness
in keeping the seventh-day Sabbath. The Sabbath is a cleaver that hews people from their complacency about God and brings them face to face with a decision. Everything in this life requires a choice. That is what human life is all about. In matters of religion, many have made no choices at all but have just drifted through life. The Sabbath of the Creator brings the world face-to-face with a vital choice involving life or death. Do we obey and honour with our lives, the God who is the Maker and Ruler