Science has revealed that we have seven-day cycles built into our bodies. This applies to animals and even to microscopic creatures. The human body has cycles of healing and periods of greater energy and intellectual ability than at other times.
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The body has a mid-week lull around Wednesday and then another lull at the end of the week. On the first day of the next week, the functions of the body begin again strongly. Interestingly the Germans call Wednesday – ‘Mittwoch’ – the middle of the week. Here is the pattern of their week.
Sunday Monday Tuesday – Mittwoch – Thursday Friday Sabbath.
This makes the Sabbath clearly the seventh and last day of the week even if some calendars today begin the week on a Monday, which makes Sunday appear as the 7th and last day of the week.
If we live with this natural cycle, then we shall be better in health for the achievement of those tasks that we have to do. When Friday night comes, it coincides with the beginning of the Sabbath day, which God has given to mankind, wherever we live, whatever our race, as a rest day. This is why we all feel so tired on a Friday night, even if we are not in active work. In the first part of the Sabbath, we can sleep and be refreshed. The daylight part of Sabbath can then be set apart for being with God, and our families or friends, in rest and worship and the study of His creation.
This rhythm brings healthy refreshment to all our faculties, and so when Sunday comes, we have full energy to face the new week.
We may have only one day for all the tasks of the weekend, which most people have to do, but the added energy and creative ability allow these to be undertaken more efficiently, because God has blessed.
The fourth commandment says that no one is to work on the Sabbath, not even our animals, for they have the same rhythms as we do. People who try to work through these patterns for living will burn out and exhaust their powers. The Sabbath is a day of rest for ALL God’s Creation. He gave these instructions 6000 years ago, yet scientists are only just discovering their necessity for us now.